Sunday, December 10, 2017

583 Years of Christmas

An eight hour drive from Bruges, Belgium to Dresden, Germany was long but proved to be a magnificent destination in which to kick off the celebrations of our Christkindlmarkt adventures.  The Dresden Striezelmarkt is now in it's 583rd year, even through incredible destruction of war, economic and social changes and political upheaval.  Christmas uplifted the darkest times in Dresden's people who are now ever celebratory!
Angie's first gluhwein

The market's often replace the nightly Happy Hours in the bar for outdoor activities for Gluhwein, hot chocolate with a spirit and the traditional bratwurst in brotchen.

Traditional hand made wood ornaments from the Erzgebirger mountain region of Germany. 

Santa eating and drinking! Chugging one down. 

Plum people figures

Every vendor has their own unique display vignette.

Lebkuchen: a holiday specialty

Martin and I have been friends for YEARS, through Philip, through the
bank and through our  "citizens of the world" attitudes!

These characters look rather from Central Asia or Mongolia!

Angie choosing her first Christkindlmarkt purchase with the expert help and opinion of Martin.  Martin was my banker from West Seattle


Zwinger Palace Gardens

Beverage break at Striezelmarkt

Each kiosk/shop are uniquely decked!

Live sheep in this Nativity Scene

Thursday, December 7, 2017

An overnight in Bruges

Super quick stop in Bruges to visit this quaint, romantic town most recently featured in a Hallmark movie that made me want to put it on our itinerary!  Our time was spent strolling the town, over the canals, peering into windows with handmade lace, incredible chocolate candy displays, and unique antique shops.

Waffles on a stick???

Hot chocolate on the center square where all activities took place, the horse drawn carriages trotted through, and the Christmas Market came alive when the sun set early.

Lighted trees juxtaposed against old churches, buildings and castles.

Way out wharf...a ferry ride away!

As it turns out, after being taken to the incorrect Doubletree, where we are is certainly further from the action but the ambience, style and eclecticism of our lodging is perfect!  Funky and quirky with a commuter ferry at our doorstep.  We're across the way from the back side of the Central Station, next to something call the BOTEL, yes, a ship hotel.

Love to start the day with a semi-European/English style breakfast buffet with both savory and sweet offerings.  Funny.  Baked beans, sausages, bacon, mushrooms, donuts, muesli, yogurts, elderberry and orange juices,  micro greens, tomatoes and cucumbers and more...

No salmon at this breakfast but smoked mackerel is fabulous.

First person we get to spend time with...Jody Baush! Bless her heart...she hopped on a ferry to visit with us across the water!

We started our day in A'dam at the...HANDBAG MUSEUM!  Yes, that's right.  After all, I'm with the QUEEN of Accessories and Handbags from our days together almost 30 years ago. Yikes.

The King and Queen and I! 

Then on to meet Nathalie, someone I hadn't seen in almost 20 years though it's funny, it truly didn't feel like that many moons.  She introduced us to Pompadour a small, quaint, patisserie with house made chocolates, pastries and beautiful creations.  Wonderfully delicious.

Then sights around the canals, traditional Dutch houses, the coffeehouses, and Nathalie's 15th century home!

This  is her street and the views are amazing from her cool workshop! Here's her FB page: Eifelbee Cotton Jersey Hats. Super cute hats!

Photo an International thing!